What We Are Eating This Week (W/C 01/09)

Last weeks meal plan went a little out the window, when BB went to hospital on the Monday night/Tuesday morning it left us all rushing to catch up and I didn't really catch up until Friday afternoon when I sat down to write this weeks meal plan! Luckily though we managed to mostly struggle through the week without resorting to going and buying takeaway every night (one night) and having to rush out to buy fresh meat (one night) and without everyone going hungry. I call that a win. This week though it's important that we are back to our routine as School starts in just a few days!

Saturday - Chinese Take Away

Top Ender is convinced that the last time Doctor Who was on we said that we would have a Chinese Take Away for the dinner the next time it was on. That would be tonight. So bonus Chinese Take Away for us because I'm not going to argue with the girl over Chinese Take Away as I love the stuff.

Sunday - Roast Chicken

It's a classic and yes I know that every week I talk about how I wish we didn't eat it every week and that this week I'm trying something different but I've decided not to fight it any more and just to work on making it a family tradition, so that when Tops and BB are older they will always remember they had the best Roast Chicken on a Sunday.

Monday - Sausage and Bean Hot Pot

I would normally just make the family fend for themselves, but as I should be going out for a meal with my Mum before going out to see Dry Rot at the Theatre, I feel a little guilty about making them work it out on their own. I'm cooking the hot pot in the slow cooker so all Daddy will have to do is cook a side dish to go with it. As we didn't get to have our Heinz beans for Grown Upz last week (long story) I'll add these to the hot pot and then I can pretend they are eating healthy whilst I'm out!

Tuesday - Pesto Pasta

I do love Pasta and Pesto so as normal I'm only picking meals this week that I want to eat! Still as the rest of the family also love pasta and are quite happy to eat pesto it's not like they are all annoyed with me choosing food only I want to eat. I'll put in some Mushrooms, Cherry tomatoes, some Bacon and a bit of basil if the plant in the garden hasn't been destroyed by magic levitating slugs.

Wednesday - Baked Fish

It's the first day of school here at AMR, so we are thinking that dinner has to somehow symbolise that, be something that everyone loves and of course be healthy... it stumped me until I thought about FISH! Fish is perfect right? It's brain food, it's healthy and we all love it. Then I remembered that we have a delivery of fish coming tomorrow from our friends at Fish Is The Dish, so there is going to be more fish this week than you can shake a stick at! The fish is going to be cooked as per the recipe in our Little Dish cookbook and I'm going to make some home made baked wedges.

Top Ender and the Little Dish Cookbook

Thursday - Jacket Potatoes

We love Jacket Potatoes and they are so easy to cook but I'm sure every home has a different way to do it, a secret salt rub, skewer position, oven temperature etc. The good thing that I'm sure everyone agrees with is that the end result is tasty, healthy (well depending on what you pile on top) and cheap!

Friday - Gammon and Pineapple with Home Grown Potatoes

It's actually the last of the home grown potatoes, so this is bad news, but they have been rather delicious this year so dinner promises to be lovely! We're going to have pineapple rings (well Daddy and Tops are) and I wish I could think of a different vegetable that everyone would eat other than peas or carrots as we are rather over doing them at the moment. I did ask on Twitter and the A Mothers Ramblings Facebook page and got some great suggestions, now I just need my family to try them!

So that is this weeks meal plan. What are you having or coveting from my menu or do you have some really great ideas on how to get all the family to eat some different types of vegetables?

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