The Yummy Mummy with No Tummy Challenge - Week Two!
Last Thursday I spent the day with my ever so slender sister. Whilst we were sitting feeding our gaggle she mentioned that she hadn't read anything here for the last week or so as she hadn't had a chance to get to the Library (she doesn't have a connection at home) and had she missed anything major. "Well actually yes" I said "You missed me telling the world how much I weigh." "You didn't?" she said "Yes I did" I said "Wow!" she said "Wow indeed" I said Later she was having a look at Twitter and saw a post from Rainbow Jelly and clicked on the link. "What have you done?" she asked me "What do you mean?" I asked wrestling with Baby Cousin for control of my face "This Woman has taken what you said to heart and some" she said I lent over and read the post "Wow" I said "Wow indeed" she said "That is one brave woman" "One brave...