I didn't know what to write today. I had a few draft posts that I deleted today because they don't seem to be things that you would be interested in. I'm sure that the effects of divorce on an adult child would of bored you to tears and I am even more sure that the epiphany post I was trying to write would of caused you to throw rotten produce at me. I thought about doing one of those letter posts that are popular, but I don't have any pithy or witty letters in me or at least any subject that I could write said pithy or witty letters about. Isn't this a clever picture? I thought about doing a poo story, so that I could properly call myself a Mummy blogger, or maybe a birth story, or a feeling broody story but they seemed a little forced and we are back to the rotten produce being thrown at me. I thought that maybe I could tell you about the people that came into my life and changed it for the better, or about my religious beliefs, or my political ideals or my idea...