For those of you who aren't bloggers or who don't read more than one British Parent blog (that's what I am classed as BTW) then you probably have no clue about a really big event that's coming up in July.
Daddy was sitting on the sofa next to Top Ender when he asked if I had heard a news story about a group of teenagers who had been told accidentally they wouldn't do well in their GCSE's with some ranking thrown in about them for good measure.
Top Ender, Daddy and I had Chinese for Dinner on our Family Night. Top Ender had been very brave and had tried a few new dishes. She must of got bitten by the trying something new bug because she saw Daddy's bottle of Fanta and asked him if she could try some.
Daddy spent some time in the kitchen baking some cheese scones over the weekend as he found a new recipe using his wheat free flour. Once they had come out of the oven, Top Ender came through to the kitchen following her nose.
At the start of April I posted about What we want to do over Easter Half Term . I posted a list of things and it is repeated here with what we managed to do in the bolder font!
Its almost the end of the fourth month of the year, Easter has been and gone and taken with it the first third of the year. Its time to be thinking about Spring Cleaning and working in the garden and getting ready to come round my house and decorate for my birthday and whilst you are doing that I'll get round to clearing a big space for all the gifts you are all bringing for me...
Over at Who's the Mummy? Sally tagged me in a infinite play list meme. You are asked to list five songs that you would listen to for the rest of time; Could listen to for the rest of time.
Auntie popped by the other morning and the first thing I noticed was that her bump has changed shape. She confirmed that the Baby has dropped and lifted up her top to show the new basket ball shaped Belly.
Top Ender was walking next to me in town, both of us enjoying the sunshine. "Mummy?" she asked pausing before taking a breath and then spilling out "If the language that we spoke wasn't this language and then I made up a word in the language that we don't speak now but did speak then do you think that the word I made up might be from this language that we speak now, but wouldn't speak then?"
During the Easter Holidays Daddy took a day off so that we could have a family fun day. We had a few ideas of what it was that we would like to do, but didn't have anything definite planned. Top Ender and I were sitting on the sofa and we asked her what she would like to do.
It's not just Daddy and I that make silly videos, I even get Top Ender in on the action! (or you can watch it here )
Top Ender had the hiccups and after a few attempts of me trying to help her to lose them I gave up. I was a little tired and so lay back on the sofa and closed my eyes for a second, whilst Top Ender cuddled in. A moment later and Daddy jumped beside me and screamed "BOO!" at Top Ender to try to get her to lose her hiccups. Of course she wasn't frightened but it did make me yell a rude word;
"Night night Baby Boy" I say as I kiss his Forehead and switch on the lullaby sheep "Mummy?" asks Baby Boy "Yes Baby Boy?" I answer brightly knowing whats to come
Its that time of the month again where Heather at Notes from Lapland and Karin at Cafe Bebe challenge those interested to come up with a vlog for a competition. This month the title was "Make us something" and so we made this vlog! Or you could go to to watch it!
Its nearly Baby Boys Birthday. He will be two and as such I am going to have to stop treating him as a little Baby and start treating him like a little boy.
Top Ender and I were watching Spirited Away as our Friday night film (if you haven't seen it then rent it, buy it, borrow it from a friend its a great film). The film hadn't been on for long when Top Ender asked about the Spirits and if they come out at our night in the film.
Today is Sunday, my normally perfect day. Now I know that as a Flybaby I shouldn't use the p word, but honestly Sundays are brilliant in our house. Sundays are the day that we spend together as a family, the day that we don't need to rush around to the shops or do things that we don't really want to.
I have known Single Mummy for several years now. As I mentioned the other day (in my April Meme ) I first met her when I was pregnant with Top Ender... Well I say met her, I haven't actually ever met her in person!
Top Ender and Baby Boys newest cousin is due in just over a month. Big Cousin and her Mummy (Auntie) were talking about various things when Big Cousin came out with; "Do you know that babies come out of your bumbie? That's why you cry when they come out."
I was tagged in a meme about Springtime over at Ready for Ten... well actually Top Ender was as the meme is about asking children six questions about how the world changes in spring, and the things they can do outside in Spring.
Easter Sunday is almost over. Frost is on the TV and the leftovers from the Roast Lamb that we enjoyed today are calling to me. We have Easter Eggs coming out of ears and I have more bunches of flowers than I have vases for. In fact I have had to rescue a glass jar from the recycling box to put a beautiful bunch of Roses from my Mum in.
Last year 4am was a time that I was often awake. I would either be listening out for Baby Boy to wake up wanting milk, or actually giving him the required milk. I am not sure how I first found out about the 4am project , but I do know that I left a comment on the blog saying that I was up for joining in. I mean I was going to be up anyway! Karen let me know that she was pleased to welcome me aboad.
Top Ender and I have been planning our Easter holiday schedule. We have decided that we want to do something different everyday, which is hard because with the British weather there is only so much that we can do!
"Mum you know that Easter festival that lasts eight days for Jewish people?" asked Top Ender "Top Ender do you mean Passover?" I answered hoping that I was right "Yeah that one!" she answered