Baby Boy Giggles - You didn't ask for specifics!

Baby Boy had been jumping in puddles as we walked to school to pick up Top Ender. I had given up trying to stop him as it was pouring with rain and one way or another we were going to be soaking by the time we got back to the house.

Baby Boy had Doodle shoes on, so he was very wet. As we had Top Enders parents evening that night (children are welcome to attend unlike in my day where children were not welcome!) we needed to find some shoes for Baby Boy to wear. Luckily I remembered the Boots that Vertbaudet had sent us, and so he happily wore those.

Later that evening Daddy was cuddling Baby Boy and admiring his boots, because they are rather posh looking and he said to me;

"Where did you get these from?"
"From the Shoe Shop Daddy!" answered an exasperated sounding Baby Boy
