Christmas Club - October

With the clocks going back this weekend, it really makes me realise that it isn't that long to Christmas. In fact in just eight weeks we will all be getting ready to sit down to a special meal and wondering how Christmas came round so quickly, as weren't we all just sitting down to Christmas Dinner?!

For most people now is the time that they start to seriously think about Christmas and Christmas shopping. There are adverts on the TV, there are special offers in shops and even news from Supermarkets that they are going to be stocking red Brussels sprouts for Christmas!

Now is the time to think about where you are going to be doing at Christmas. Are you having family over or are you going to family? Make plans now so that it is easier to work out your budget and to schedule in other seasonal events that you might want to go to! Whilst you are doing this make a list of what you want to spend on Christmas, and who you would like to buy for. If you can some suggestions of what you are thinking of for each person will help you know which stores you should look in and will help you stick to your budget! If you start planning now, you could get everything without having to resort to a last minute rush AND could even not stay up to a stupid time on Christmas Eve making sure you are getting everything wrapped!

The last thing that I will start doing this month is writing my Christmas Cards. This week Top Ender and Baby Boy will have a go at decorating a few themselves (we have a lot left over from previous years) and as soon as they are done I will get them written and the envelopes addressed so that they are ready to be posted in time to be delivered on December 1st! If you want me to send you a card then send me an email with your address! Doing a few at a time, means that you won't get bored of doing them and if like me you have a long list of cards to send out you won't get writers cramp!

This month we have Halloween and we are starting to look forward to Bonfire night. If you do expect people to come and trick or treat at your house on Sunday then make sure that you have enough sweets or treats to hand out. And with Bonfire night just around the corner, I urge you all to be safe and to go to an organised display. If you do go for Fireworks in your own back garden, remember to follow the safety rules. The last thing any of us want is for someone to get hurt, or for you to burn down your shed!

Don't forget if you write a Christmas letter or round robin, make a note of what has happened this month!