The Sunflower Race - Week Two
This week has Top Ender chasing down Baby Boy's lead from last week (Week One) with both plants requiring straws to help prop them up... they are going to be planted out this week and staked properly but the straw was a good temporary measure we felt! As you can see Baby Boy still has the stronger looking plant, with four leaves having sprouted and Top Ender just having two. Daddy and I still see no growth and are wondering if we planted them upside down or something!
And now to prove how stupid I am, (and that planting a seed upside down is probably entirely probable in my case), I checked inside a container that I had left on the garden table to see what was in there and discovered that I had planted a few sunflower seeds as back ups in case something happened to any of our plants. I then forgot all about them and haven't watered them or anything but still they have grown...
Looks like Daddy and I might be "borrowing" some of these to help us along in the race!