A Best Day Ever with Polly Pocket at Chessington World of Adventures

Top Ender and Big Boy have been long time fans of Polly Pocket. Whilst she isn't as small as I remember her from the sets that my sister used to play with, she still is as much fun and BB and Tops love creating adventures for her to go on. During the half term we were able to go to a morning with Polly Pocket at Chessington World of Adventures at the new hotel, Tops and Big Boy loved it as they were able to play with some Polly Pocket Sets, and make some bracelets and do some colouring too!

Whilst Top Ender, Big Boy and Daddy carried on with the drawing and colouring I listened to some information about Polly Pocket. A lot of it I forgot almost immediately but what I did remember is that children, in particular girls, want to be like Polly. They see her as fun and energetic and they want to emulate this. I like Polly as she loves to have fun just like we do and tries to make every day the best day ever. Children can even go and enter a competition on the Polly Pocket Website to win their best day ever or other Polly prizes. Tops joined me for some of the information and this picture was taken of us, isn't it sweet?

Top Ender and me hugging

After we had been to the event in the Hotel (which is fantastic and I can't wait until we can stay) we were given tickets to go into the theme park, I had been before and working it out I must have gone twenty five years ago the first time, which would have made it the year it opened! Yes, I realise that this makes me incredibly old but hey, there isn't a lot I don't share here on the blog.

We decided which rides we wanted to go on in advance and slowly worked our way through the park. We found all the staff incredibly helpful, especially when we asked a couple of the restaurants about gluten free options. At the Mexican Cantina they were so great they even went and got the packets so we could read first hand the ingredients in everything. Even when one of the rides broke down we were kept well informed of what was going on and were given a complimentary Family Fasttrack to go on any other ride, without queuing, as compensation.

We all had the same favourite part of the day and that was when we had been in a Lorikeet enclosure and we were able to feed the Lorikeet and have them sit on our arms.

Big Boy looking at a Lorikeet from the corner of his eye

Judging from this Photo though Big Boy wasn't too trusting of the Lorikeets, although it was Top Ender who got the "blessing" down her leg and over her shoes. Thank goodness I carry wet wipes with me where ever I go.

We all had a great day in the theme park and walking round the Zoo we found a lot of information points with great visual props to really make sure the information they were giving was understood by children of all ages and I've been using some of the pictures we took as Wordless Wednesday posts (The Average Eight Year Old and Cockatoo Shoes). Big Boy can't wait to go again, and asks us every morning if we can go back. I'm thinking that we will have to save up a bit so we can stay overnight in the hotel, just so I can turn left at the giraffe to get to the toilets again.

Giraffe in Chessington Resort Hotel

We were treated to the day by Mattel who gave us a Polly set to take home and Chessington World of Adventures.