Smug Mode Engaged
When Big Boy was diagnosed as being a diabetic we were told by the lovely Paediatric Diabetic Consultant that we would be seeing a lot of him over the next few years. I thought that it might be like my Mum's consultants who she see's once a year or so, but a few days after getting home we received a letter to meet with the Dietician and to see our lovely Consultant in just under two weeks time. That is how on the hottest day of the year we found ourself sitting in a waiting room in Milton Keynes Hospital waiting for our name to be called. Somehow our admission notes are missing AGAIN and so our Consultant asked us for a few details (such as when was BB diagnosed, How long had he been showing symptoms before he was diagnosed, what medications is he on etc) before taking a quick look through BB's diary of his sugar levels. A minor tweak was made to what levels of insulin we would be giving to BB and at what blood sugar levels and then th...