What's For Lunch? (W/C 01/10)

At the rate at which the weeks are passing it is going to be Half Term pretty soon, which is a good thing but it does mean I'm running out of time to do all the things I want to do!

Monday - Cheese Sandwich

It's Picture Day! I believe that all pictures are taken before lunch and snack time (at least I hope they are, I know my children all to well and they will be covered in something if it's after) and I'm off to talk to some lovely people in London too, so I can't even run a spare sweater up to them if they need it! Today's lunch is Picture themed, by being a Cheese Sandwich or possibly roll, it depends what I make when I get up tomorrow!

Tuesday - Chicken Wrap

Daddy actually cooked the chicken on Sunday, (I was busy being a personal food shopper for my Mum) and he made a bit of a hash of carving it so I actually have a lot of chicken left on the carcass, enough to give both children a wrap and for my dinner tonight!

Unwrapped Chicken Wrap

Wednesday - Ponyo Pasta

According to the weatherman today is going to be cold and rainy and so what could be better than a warm lunch? The problem of course is that my Children have packed lunches and so I'm going to make a proper Bento as Ponyo is Japanese as in Bento! The Ponyo Pasta is pretty much the same as the evening meal version I make, some noodles, a boiled egg and some ham along with some greens served in a little bit of broth.

Thursday - Sausage Roll

I love having a Sausage roll for lunch, it's just as easy to make them as it is to buy them (which is what I did this week) and the Children love having what they think of as a treat for lunch.

Friday - Top Ender's Friday Lunch And Big Boy's Too!

Top Ender's Friday Lunch And Big Boy's Too! Logo

I've made great use of my filofax by making a note of all the important things in my life, appointments, BB's sugar levels, notes of meal plans AND notes of my Friday lunch ideas! Today is Harvest Festival and all the children walk to a local Church and sing songs, read bits of poems and generally entertain those parents who are able to be there too. I have made a note to remember to take BB's Emergency Blood Sugar Kit with me, (as I'm still worried that School will forget) and the special lunch today will also be Harvest Festival themed.

I'm actually quite looking forward to this weeks lunches!

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Also don't forget to follow my Weight Loss and Fitness Journey at Pippa World too!