Evening Meals (W/C 01/06)
This is the last week of the six week diet that I put the family on... well technically just Daddy and I as Top Ender and Big Boy got more calorific dense food at lunch and puddings so that they were having the right amount for them as growing children. Anyway Next Saturday I'll be able to weigh myself again, so that'll be good! Saturday - Chinese Duck with Noodles We really enjoyed this the other week. I have to admit that Duck is one of my favourite meats and despite what everyone thinks about it being a terribly fatty meat I say that just means they aren't preparing it right! Sunday - Roast Chicken Daddy is so great at cooking the Sunday Roast now, I'm not sure what is going to happen next year when I'm at Church in the morning and could take over preparing it again! Monday - Meatless Monday - Baked Potato We're serving this with beans and a little cheese and a side salad. I think that if we only ate a jacket potato once every six weeks that Da...