The Family Tree

Top Ender's homework, was to do her family tree.

The homework said that she should go back as far as she could and see if any stories about family members existed that were exciting or interesting. Unlike her best friend, Top's family tree doesn't link up to anyone historically famous or featured in wikipedia, or someone who invented a sport, or even the basis of a film (Seriously this is all in one family tree).

We won't of course be mentioning the criminal, who was once described as the most dangerous man in Britain and who is Top Enders First Cousin two times removed. There are some things that whilst I'll be happy to share with you dear internet, it might be better if School are unaware of. Saying that, he does have a really cool criminal name that I'm not sharing with you, as you'll google him and look at me differently...


We sorted out a few generations of the family tree for Top Ender to print out (It's rather hard for her to do any research into the family tree as records get a bit sketchy as far back as we've managed to get) and it made me think. Surely I'm not the only person who reads this blog that does Family History or Genealogy?

So come on, tell me the stories about your family.

Personalised Family Tree Print from Boo and Boy

PS. That picture is from Boo and Boy and they kindly gave me permission to use it in this blog post. If you're after a print, or are shopping for Christmas or Hanukkah and Kwanzaa or even Christmahanakwanzika then go look as they have tonnes of stuff to buy that is really lovely.