Main Meal Plans W/C 4/01

Just in case you haven't been over here since the new Year HAPPY NEW YEAR! I'm hoping this year to have some good simple home cooked food with my family and I'm also going to be looking a lot more carefully at budget meals too. This week Daddy is away all week (from Monday), so it's just me and the children after Sunday, until Friday.

Saturday - Beans on Toast with Bacon

On a Saturday, we're normally quite busy as Tops and I go shopping with my Mum in the afternoon and by the time we get back home it is dinner time. Beans on Toast with a bit of bacon is something I know that Daddy can cook quickly whilst I'm driving home from my Mums ready to eat when Tops and I get back in.

Sunday - Roast Chicken

I'm not really in a mood for a roast this week, but the rest of the family outvoted me and so we're having a lovely Sunday Roast. It's Chicken as I have some portions in the freezer!

Monday - Beans on Toast with Bacon

I'm honestly not sure if Brownies starts tonight again or not. Just in case it does tonight we're having simple Beans on Toast, with a bit of Bacon, as we did on Saturday night, because it's quick and filling.

Tuesday - Hot Dog Pasta

Today should be Faith In God night, again I'm not sure yet if it will be on, but I'm planing a meal that hopefully won't repeat on Top Ender if it is. I might thread some spaghetti into the hot dogs, or I might just served them chopped small amongst some other pasta I have in the cupboard along with some chopped tomatoes (raw) and some onion (fried).

Wednesday - Soup

The children have a choice between Turkey Soup (frozen from the Turkey Leftovers) or Chicken and Vegetable soup. Served with either cheese sandwiches or bread, depending on what mood everyone is in!

Thursday - Pasta Bake

Nice and simple and easy to make and not a lot in cost too. I'm going to make my own tomato sauce to bake the pasta in, and then along with some vegetables and a little mozzarella on top bake it in the oven before serving.

Friday - Beef Casserole

A simple casserole, with home baked bread to dip in the gravy, with some mashed potato sounds perfect to me for a family meal on a Friday night. There'll be plenty left over for Daddy to eat when he gets in and it's a good slow cooker meal.

Casserole with Mash Potato

So what are you eating this week?