MAD and Proud
I've won an award at the MADs before, actually I've won twice but that's besides the point. The point is, that I blog because I love keeping a record of the things that we get up to as a family.
I blog because I love the community.
I blog because I like to let other people know what I and my family think of new products after all I hardly ever buy something without researching it first and I'd like to know what other people think too.
I blog because I want other people to know that there is someone out there just like them and I want other people to see that even if they feel that they are struggling that life will get better. Mine did.
There are hundreds of other reasons as to why I blog but I think the best reason is this; I blog because I can.
Now, if you want to go and nominate me you can, just head of to The MAD Blog Awards and type in my url ( into which ever box you think I should be in. And if you do, or even if you don't then just remember that I want to thank you.
I want to thank you for nominating my blog. I want to thank you for being the people inside my computer who cheer me up with emails. I want to thank you for letting me know when I've made a mistake. I want to thank you for being my support system. I want to thank you for caring about my family and our lives but mostly I want to thank you for reading my blog (as you are right now) and know that as much as I hope that I help other people you've helped me that much 100 times over.