Visiting Teachers and Relief Society
I'm so aware that half the time things that I mention are alien to people who don't follow the same faith as me so today I'm explaining something that seems so normal to me but probably sounds a bit weird to you. Then again seeing as you are already here on my blog, you probably know I'm a bit weird and like it! ;-)
One of the great things about belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is that there is this programme called Relief Society for women over 18 years old. I read a description once that really made me laugh because it is true;
I love being part of this community, the women are like me. I don't mean that it's full of a bunch of crazy women (although some of them make me look sane) or women who have a really stupid sense of humour, just that we share the same beliefs and unsurprisingly this gives us a bond that you might not get with another group of women.
Another part of being a member of Relief Society, is that you get a pair of Visiting Teachers assigned to you. I love this because it means that you get to have friendships with women that you might not have normally spoken to. My current visiting teachers are fantastic ladies and I'm not saying that just because they occasionally read this blog! They are lovely, I've known one of them for several years (she actually knew Daddy before she knew me as they went to School together) and the other I've got to know quite well in the last few months.
When they last came to see me they brought with them some gifts for me. The first was a lovely reminder of a talk that had been given at General Conference, one that I really loved AND the Rainbow was a pack of Skittles! I love Skittles!
The second gift was something just for me (not that the Skittles weren't!), a little bling for me to wear round the house, whilst I was doing the dishes or watching TV or even on the School run.
Do you think those girls know me well or what? I'm actually wearing the Tiara now as I type this blog post, I've noticed that I work better whilst wearing it!
So that's that explained. Sort of. Any questions?!