Family Savings And A Promise Of A Night Out

If there is one thing that the children could teach me to be better at, it is saving money. From where I am currently sitting on the sofa, I can see Big Boy's Milkman's wallet. I don't need to get up to tell you how much is in it because Big Boy is sitting next to me and he can tell me that he has exactly £25 of pocket moneys savings, after having spent £30 of his savings in the Boxing Day Sale. He also has £25 that he got for Christmas that he put in his money box and I mustn't forget that I owe him £2 because he lent me £10 and I've only paid back £8 so far... Top Ender is just the same. Her money is kept hidden away and neither Daddy or I are quite sure how much she has, apart from when we have in the past asked to borrow some cash because we couldn't get to a cashpoint and we've needed a few quid to pay for a School trip or similar!

BB's Milkman Wallet

Family Investments asked if the children would like to save for Christmas with a month long saving plan, unfortunately it didn't get to us in time for the children to save for Christmas 2014. Family Investments, sent us a Child Savings Planner and a coin counting piggy bank for the children to share and collect their savings in and this blog post is to announce what it is that they are saving up for, so my two decided to get a head start on saving for Christmas 2015, after a month of saving for some very important family fun that is! The children being as loving as they are have decided that they would like to save up for a family meal at a favourite restaurant, although we're not sure which restaurant just yet.

So the children get £5 pocket money each week. They've decided that after paying 10% tithing and keeping a further £2.50 for themselves they are going to save £2 each for five weeks and Daddy and I agreed that we would double what they save to help with the meal as it's only fair as we'll be eating too!

We received a piggy bank and the A3 planner and there is a chance we might win a family day out.