Top Ender has gone off to camp this week with her Guides troop. On one hand I'm glad that she has gone off to camp, hopefully she'll break out of her shell a bit and have fun and enjoy a great break at the end of a successful school year, on the other hand I'm desperately sad because I'm missing her a tonne already and she hasn't even been gone more than three hours! Luckily, I know exactly what is going on at the camp (thanks to a Camp guide that I'd downloaded for Top Ender and kept a copy of for myself!) from activities, to times of meals, shops that are available for the Children to purchase things from (Ice Cream, Souvenirs, etc) in fact I know everything right down to the food that they will be eating each morning and evening. So Dan Jon Jr, Flyfour and I thought that we could have a bit of fun and eat the same as Top Ender this week. We have to guess a few of the options because we're not quite sure what Top Ender will pick, but we figure...