What We Are Eating W/C 18th March 2017

It's funny, on one hand, the whole lifestyle change is brilliant. I've realised that as well as taking care of myself physical with my diet I'm starting to take more care in my appearance and I'm kinda loving that I'm reading so much!

On the other hand, it's starting to get to me because some evenings you'll find me trying to distract myself from feeling hungry by reading a book or doing some knitting or as seems most common, bemoaning the fact that there is nothing to eat in the house. Despite me being the one who does the shopping!

Next Customer Please sign at Tesco

Maybe in two weeks time when I've lived the lifestyle for six weeks I'll be more prepared for the next six week chunk... who knows?!

Steak and New Potatoes

I know Steak and Potatoes on a diet healthy lifestyle eating plan! However, as we can have it I'm not complaining and I purchased enough Steak for Flyfour and me to have this meal twice this week as I know he'll love it!

Cod and Chips

I didn't realise that 200g of Cod was so big! We have the Cod oven baked with peas and thick steak-cut chips. I love a nice piece of Cod so this is a really good meal for me and Flyfour always loves Chips!

Chicken Curry

Top Ender is actually making a Curry at School this week and I've worked out that the number of calories in the meal is within an acceptable range for my lifestyle change (yeah, diet) and so I'm going to be eating Curry with the children.

Flyfour has decided he'd rather have a rather lovely "Healthy Choice" curry from Tesco, but after me having it last week and peeing pink the next day I've decided I'd rather skip the ready meal!

Pasta and Sauce

I love the pasta and sauce meal because it is just a simple cooking job but tastes so good. The other evening I started cooking as Flyfour pulled up onto our driveway. By the time he had got into the house, said hello to the children and got changed out of his work suit I was serving up the Pasta and adding garnishes to make it look pretty.

Roast Chicken

Top Ender has really been missing a weekly roast and so when I saw a roast in the book, I knew that if we didn't have it that Tops would probably kill me. We get to eat 110g of Chicken, 80g of Roast Potatoes, Peas, leafy veg (so Cabbage then), Carrots, Gravy, a Chipolata or a bit of stuffing.

That is a roast to be proud of right? I might work out how much smaller a lunch and/or breakfast I need to have that day or even see if I skip my afternoon snack if it works out that  I can have a Chipolata and a bit of stuffing!

So that's what we're eating this week. Hopefully, with my renewed vigour and some lush sounding evening meals, I'll push on and lose a few more lbs so that I will lose a stone in the first six weeks of this lifestyle change!