The Importance Of Play

I was listening to some of the new Mums at School the other day as they were talking to their children on the way home. They were asking questions about what they had eaten for lunch and what they had done whilst at School and it pleased me that not one of the parents that I was listening in on got upset about their child answering that they had played with various items all day.

Top Ender and Dan Jon Jr, off to School where I hope they will play as much as they want!

You see, a few years back, I did overhear a parent who, as they talked with their child got increasingly angry about how their child hadn't done any work at School. They hadn't had a maths lesson, or sat and learnt to read, they hadn't even practised writing! The parent decided enough was enough and they were going to go and talk with the teacher. School was for learning not playing!

I knew the teacher they were off to see, and being a Governor of the School, one who was linked to Early Years, I wanted to ensure this teacher was okay talking to this rather irate parent. Of course, as soon as the parent was showed how play actually helps the children learn the rather important base skills that children need to succeed at School, the parent soon calmed down and turned around their opinion on what play at School meant.

I was reminded of that today, when I saw this Infographic from Wooden Toy Shop and it made me realise that maybe we all need reminding just how important play is.

The Art of Play - an infographic by Wooden Toy Shop
The Art of Play by Wooden Toy Shop.