What We Are Eating W/C 20th July 2019

So I had a few days at my new job this week and realised that I have so much to get used to now that I will be working full time. This summer I'm going to try and build up some meals in the freezer to throw into slow cookers before going to work or the oven when I get home at night for those nights where I am just not wanting to cook. However, this week I'm focusing on the end of term things happening as we have Top Ender finishing School (Tuesday) and we have plans to kick off the Summer!

GREAT sign because that is what Summer is!

Saturday - Mac and Cheese with Bacon Bits and Salad

We really enjoyed this the other week, so we're making sure to have it again. Plus I have a tonne of bacon that needs to be used up! We're making it more healthy by adding a Salad, which I'm in charge of making, so won't just be lettuce, tomato and cucumber!

Sunday - Lasagna with Garlic Bread and Salad

We have our Sister Missionaries coming around to share a meal today. We decided we'd do a Lasagna (actually we're doing three lasagnas as we're making one for the Freezer and we'll have plenty at lunchtime if anyone wants seconds) with Garlic Bread and Salad and we'll get some kind of great dessert made to go with it too.

Monday - Salmon with Stir Fry Vegetables

I forgot to pan fry the Salmon the other day, and whilst the meal was good, it wasn't GREAT. So we're making it again tonight. Plus we really do love Salmon so, it's all good.

Tuesday - KFC/Sandwiches

Today Tops finishes School for the Summer (Dan Jon finished last Friday) and so we're kicking off the Summer with some FUN and having KFC for lunch. We figured that in the evening we'll either eat leftover pieces of chicken or have sandwiches or possibly both!

Wednesday - Fajita Salad

We haven't had this since we finished the month of Salads back in February (at least I don't remember having it again) so we're going to have it tonight. (Plus it's the Summer, so I'm wanting to eat Salad all the time!)

Thursday - Carb Free

When we test Dan Jon's basal rates, we need to eat food which has no carbohydrates in. So basically the meal this evening is a combination of meat, eggs, cheese, fish and salad.

Friday - Meal Out

Flyfour is planning something for us, so whilst we don't know what it is, we do know it's going to be fun!

So what are you eating this week?