The New Garden Beds

Since having the garden done two years ago, we have loved spending time in our garden. We have loved sitting on the deck, we have loved eating on the Patio and to be honest, I've loved having my three little raised beds outside my kitchen window, even if they aren't always fully weeded or devoid of cat poop...

Raised beds outside the Kitchen window... excuse the cat poop!

It was all that we wanted, but as we lived with it, we realised that we had further dreams for our garden, to make it great for how we use it, how we wanted to use it and more importantly how to help us to keep it neat and tidy.

We wanted to have more raised beds instead of where the current "ordinary" beds were. We thought that it might make the garden a bit tidier as I kept letting the grass grow into the bed and was terrible about weeding it as frequently as it needed to be weeded to stop the grass from growing into the bed. We also figured it would be easier to mow the lawn if there was a defined edge!

Raised beds on the sunny side of the garden

I like things in pairs, so I wanted to put some beds on the other side, the side of the trees, not to use as flower beds, but just to have a symmetrical look. Flyfour agreed too, we thought it would be great to match and to make easier to mow the lawn, as mowing under and around the trees was getting harder, and using the strimmer could lead to damage and we don't want that as we love our trees.

Raised beds on the tree side of the garden

Speaking of which, we also asked if our lovely gardeners would be able to help us with our plum tree, which we were having issues with, as despite our best efforts, we still hadn't been able to get it to stand up straight. They had it sorted within a day, which was great as now hopefully the lawn will recover from where it was being kept in the shadows all day and being scratched by the branches every time the wind moved the tree!

The Upright Plum Tree!

We have a little more to do now, filling our new beds with topsoil (and a good mushroom-based fertiliser) and working out what plants we want to put into our new beds (and working out how I can tell the difference between weeds and the plants!) other than Hostas in the shade beneath the trees and probably some things like Snowdrops and Bluebells and Cyclamens.

I'm so excited!