A Birthday In Lockdown

It's nearly my birthday, and I've been joking that I'll spend the day hanging out with my family, playing games, watching TV, reading and eating a home-cooked meal, just like every other day in lockdown.

The thing is, I'm actually quite excited about experiencing my birthday under lockdown. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, right? I want to make the most of it. I want to do something special, something that I will always be able to look back on and say "Oh yes! The year I turned 41 was amazing, do you remember the fun we had celebrating whilst in lockdown?!"

I asked Twitter if they had any ideas about how to celebrate and they came through with some ideas about getting family members to take part in a family talent show type of event via video messenger, which I am really down for, but it seems more like a Christmas or New Year's activity to me and I am so going to make my extended family do that this year.

There were other suggestions of a quiz via video call or other games that we can play together whilst also following the rules about staying in our own homes. They are great ideas, but I don't think that is quite what I want, especially as some of my family don't play nice with others and well, we find it easier to keep them apart.

Someone suggested a karaoke party, which does sound cool, but it would end up just being Flyfour and I and well, that's every Friday night when I put on my Spotify playlists and we both chill in the living room singing along to whatever song comes on.

I thought about having a list of things I could do, a bucket list of sorts, but being in lockdown means a lot of the things I would want to do are not possible.

I feel like such a spoiled brat, yeah great ideas everyone, but they aren't good enough for me, I want something better, something more me.

I'll know what I want when I hear it, it's just I haven't heard it yet! I've been racking my brains and I've been searching Pinterest and looking at other peoples lockdown celebrations and nothing fits just yet.

I'm sure I'll get an idea eventually, I just need to not sleep for the next few days to think over all the possibilities!
